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Monitoring & Security

Simulation and gas estimation RPC

Accurately predict transaction outcomes and gas costs without sending transactions on-chain to improve your dapp UX and prevent costly errors. Integrate Tenderly’s simulation infrastructure using tenderly_simulateTransaction, tenderly_estimateGas, and their bundled counterparts.

Using Simulation RPC:

Transaction simulation

Predicting gas and exchanged assets with Simulation RPC

  • Predict token transfers in transactions reliably for secure and cost-effective interactions in your dapp
  • Optimize bundles of transactions by predicting execution and picking optimal results.
  • Optimize for best token transfers by varying transaction inputs and other strategies in a different simulations.
  • Test hypothetical scenarios by overriding contract variables and running custom simulations
  • Test and compare different strategies by running simulations on historic network data.
  • Get 100% accurate gas estimates to prevent failures caused by out-of-gas errors and save valuable resources.

Try it now: Simulate a transaction

Alerts & Web3 Actions

Automate protocol security and maintenance and respond instantly to on-chain events with customizable, real-time alerting and serverless Node.js backends for smart contracts.

Using Alerts and Web3 Actions:

Implement circuit breakers, monitor live contracts, and automate task execution.

Real-time blockchain monitoring dashboard with custom alerts for smart contract events and security threats

Alerting when critical conditions happen

  • Get real-time messages for important on-chain events with Alerts.
  • Monitor the usage of your smart contracts and dapp on-chain with Alerts.
  • Signal problems to external webhooks by setting up alerts on transactions, events, and storage updates.
  • Automate responses to on-chain events using Web3 Actions.
  • Set up invariant monitoring for protocols, dapps, and entire architectures with Web3 Actions.
  • Build Tenderly-hosted webhooks for dapps with Web3 Actions.

Web3 Actions automation workflow showing protocol pause mechanism triggered by invariant failure detection

Pausing a protocol when Web3 Action detects invariant failure

Try it now: Set up your first alert | Set up your first Web3 Action